Terms and Conditions
Fees and Charges
Charges for all tasks carried out by OrganisTing, will be charged at the agreed upon rate for the duration of the sessions booked at the time of this contract being signed. Invoices will be sent out after each session, unless mutually agreed by both parties, e.g., if more than one session has been booked with in the same working week, a weekly invoice may be sent. Invoices are payable by cash or bank transfer. Invoices are payable within 7 days of the date on the invoice. Any late payment will incur a charge of £10 per day until full payment has been made.
Payment for any products purchased by OrganisTing at the request of the client, e.g., storage containers or organisational systems are payable in advance. If Products are requested by the client prior to the first session, Clients are responsible for taking measurements and a refund will not be given if the products are unsuitable.
If the client wishes OrganisTing to remove unwanted items from the property, e.g., charity donations, the client will be liable for the cost of a taxi to postcode CR0. This charge will be added to your invoice.
A £50 deposit is required to secure all bookings. This deposit will be deducted from your final invoice. The deposit is non-refundable if the client cancels a session with less than 72 hours’ notice. If cancelled with more than 72 hours’ notice a full refund will be given. If the client wishes to change the date of the previously agreed upon session, the deposit will be transferred to the new agreed date if 48 hours’ notice is given and if the new agreed upon date is within 30 days of the previous date. If less than 48 hours’ notice is given to change the previously agreed upon date by the client, OrganisTing reserves the right to retain the deposit. All notice of cancellation or change of date must be given in writing.
If OrganisTing has to cancel a session, a full refund will be given.
The client will be responsible for obtaining from other parties, e.g., landlord or other occupants, any consent that may be required for services to be provided. Although OrganisTing may advise, the client will be solely responsible for decisions made during the decluttering process. OrganisTing takes no responsibility for items removed from the property if the client changes their mind after they have been removed.
Whilst OrganisTing will take every care during the decluttering and organising process, we will not be held responsible for any direct or consequential loss or damage. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they hold the correct and up to date insurance for their belongings.
All personal information obtained from the client will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. All personal details will remain confidential and will not be sold or past on to third parties without prior written consent from the client.
OrganisTing may take before and after photos of the area/s within the property we are working on. We reserve the right to use these photos for our portfolio and on various social media platforms for marketing purposes. If the client does not wish photo’s to be used for this purpose, they must request this in writing prior to the first session.